About Me

Hi I’m Katie, a twenty something who is trying to navigate this alien thing that is adult hood. I’m a self-confessed chatterbox so I’m not sure why i didn’t start a blog sooner rather than harassing my poor friends and family. I thrive on setting myself challenges and trying anything new, and love meeting new people and finding out about their stories.

I have a Degree in music and currently studying for my Masters in Arts Management. Now that I am coming to the end of my education I’m starting to think of the future and the things i want out of life and things i would like to do before i leave University for good.

This is mainly how the blog has started, a want to be more adventurous and grab life with both hands, a way to document my life and all I get up to, something to look back on and think i made 2017 one hell of a good year.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and I hope you enjoy following me and my journey through 2017 and into the wilderness that is the big wide world.